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Melania reiterates demand vs. Daily Mail who said she was a prostitute of luxury

Melania Trump again filed a lawsuit, this time in New York, against a newspaper that claimed that in the 1990s she had been an "escort girl".

Melania reitera demanda vs. Daily Mail que dijo que fue prostituta de lujo
Melania Trump volvió a presentar una demanda judicial, esta vez en Nueva York, contra un diario que afirmó que en los años 1990 había sido prostituta de lujo ("escort girl").
Melania Trump, the wife of the president of the United States, filed a lawsuit, this time in New York, against a newspaper that claimed that in the 1990s she had been an escort girl, Of their environment.

Melania Trump, a Slovenian exmodel, requires $ 150 million in compensation for damages to Mail Media, which publishes the Daily Mail Online.

Furious over those "malicious and harmful" allegations issued during the presidential campaign, the first lady had initially filed, on September 1, 2016, a lawsuit in a Maryland court. Defamers were the Daily Mail and Webster Tarpley, the author of a blog in the eastern state of the country.

The lawsuit against the Daily Mail was finally rejected on grounds of geographical competition. Melania Trump's lawyer then appealed to a New York court.

The lawsuit against Webster Tarpley, on the other hand, went ahead and concluded with a victory of the first lady, in the form of a negotiated agreement between the parties, the plaintiff's lawyer told AFP on Tuesday.

Tarpley agreed to pay Melania Trump a "significant sum" for falsely evoking an "escort-girl" past of the president's current wife, Charles Harder said, without specifying the amount of compensation.

Melania Trump is the third wife of the millionaire entrepreneur and the mother of his son Barron, who breeds cottons in his triplex of Trump Tower in New York.

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