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Home Remedies to Lower Children's Fever

Usually parents always scare them when the temperature of small ones increases. Fever is not always a sign of infection. It is the body's response to a possible infection, some viral disease, or even the reaction of a vaccine or the excess clothing worn by the child.

If you notice that your child has a fever, there is no reason to worry too much. It is best to take it to the pediatrician, since only he can diagnose and determine what is causing the child's fever and how to treat it. If your child's fever has caught you in the middle of the night or on a holiday, you can wait to try to reduce the fever with some home advice, before resorting to medications that your child's pediatrician will prescribe:

Tips for lowering children's body temperature

Niña con termómetro en boca
1- Remove the child's clothing to prevent the temperature of your body to go even higher. Wear something light, preferably cotton. If it is a baby, the diaper will be enough.

2 - Keep the child in a well-ventilated room that does not offer draft.

3- Bathing the baby or child with warm water. Cold water could further increase the fever.

4- Apply cold compresses with a clean, cool, damp cloth over the forehead, back of the neck and wrists of the child. That will make you feel more relieved.

5- Offer a liquid diet to the child to compensate the losses generated by the sweat and avoid dehydration. It is advisable for the child to drink mineral water, fruit juices and light wines. Whey is also indicated primarily for babies.

6- Prevent the child from moving. A child with a fever should rest to help the temperature of his body go down.

7- Offer an infusion of sunflower made with the dry petals of this flower. Let them rest for 10 minutes in boiling water, then filter and add honey or sugar. The child should drink 2 to 3 tablespoons, every 8 hours.

8- Raw potato slices on the foot's small plant also works to decrease fever. When they are hot, they should be changed. That will cool the child's temperature. The child should only be taken to an emergency medical service when the child is a baby under three months old or an older child when the fever reaches 39 degrees Celsius.

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