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Donald Trump will be dismissed, but when?

Trump is trying to govern by impulses, by whims, by personal reward, by benefits, by decrees ... as if he had been elected dictator. But it turns out that it does not work and that the machine is already derailing only ONE WEEK later.

Impeachment is gaining ground because it is the only way to dismiss it, because the Republicans are already abandoning this president en masse and because the man is psychiatric incapable of checking if something is legal before doing so.

Impeachment is gaining ground because it is terribly evident that Trump is not fit for the presidency. The adults around Trump, even those who serve him with a loyalty that smacks of slavery, spend half their time trying to restrain him, but it is impossible.

It is one thing to live in your own reality when you are a candidate and they are only words. You can fool enough people long enough to be chosen.
They spend the other half of the time responding to frantic calls from Republican leaders, business elites and foreign leaders. That Trump did what? Poor Reince Priebus, his chief of staff, has already reached the peak of power and is not going to be fun.

It is one thing to live in your own reality when you are a candidate and they are only words. You can fool enough people long enough to be chosen. But when you try to govern in this way, reality is reality, and it calls you to order.

One by one, Trump has issued impulsive orders that have not been reviewed by lawyers, government experts or policymakers, and much less have been the subject of thoughtful planning. Almost immediately he is forced to back down by a combination of political and legal pressure. And by reality.

Unlike the dictatorships that Trump admires, the complex network of constitutional legal and political measures against tyranny still works in the United States (sometimes it costs, but it works). And the more reckless the behavior of Trump, the more these measures are reinforced.

Only with his lunatic effort to ban the entry of refugees selectively (but not precisely from countries that send terrorists, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where Trump has commercial interests), the president has already discovered that the US system has courts . He has courts. Imagine it.

The more upset they become, the less conservative judges will tip the ball to Republican policies (as they used to do). Does anyone really think the Supreme Court is going to be Trump's whore?

Last week, some Republicans fought to see who was the first to reject Trump's view of Putin and hastened to deny his statements about alleged electoral fraud.

They do not know how to kill the ObamaCare without killing patients and without ending hopes of re-election. The truth is that it is complicated and the nuances are not the strong point of Trump. Republican Rep. Tom McClintock said, "We'd better make sure we're prepared to live with the market we've created." This is going to be called Trumpcare Republicans will own it in full and we will be judged in the elections in less Of two years ".


'Impeachment' to Donald Trump: the last resort to end his presidency?

In these two weeks, Free Speech for People has already launched a citizen campaign to remove Trump. So far, more than 400,000 people have signed the petition.

The bipartisan group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has also carried out a thorough investigation. Several legal experts associated with CREW have submitted a detailed legal report documenting the different ways in which Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause, which prohibits a president from benefiting from the actions of foreign governments.

There are many other reasons for impeachment, such as the fact that Donald Trump puts his commercial interests ahead of the country and his strange and opportunistic alliance with Vladimir Putin, which borders on betrayal. Less well known than the Emoluments Clause is the STOCK Act of 2012, which explicitly prohibits the president and other officials from benefiting from information that is not public.

The Republicans thought at first that they could use Trump for Republican purposes. But Trump is not Republican.
Obviously, impeachment is a political as well as legal process. The Founding Fathers deliberately designed it. However, after a week in office, Trump has not only abandoned the Constitution, but his allies are also abandoning him.

Despite their repulsive oddities, the Republicans thought at first that they could use Trump for Republican purposes. But Trump is not Republican: he demonstrated it with his embrace to Putin and with its promotion of a commercial war at global level. It is easy to imagine the alarm and terror that Republicans will be expressing in private.

In 1984, psychiatrist Otto Kernberg described a disease known as Malignant Narcissism (malignant narcissism). Unlike conventional narcissism, this typology is considered a severe pathology.

It is characterized by an absence of consciousness, a grandiosity and a search for pathological power and a sadistic pleasure by cruelty.

Given the clear danger it poses for the Republic and the Republicans, the impeachment to Trump will occur. It remains to be seen what the next major catastrophe America will be facing.

You can follow Robert Kuttner on Facebook

This post was originally published in the US edition of 'The Huffington Post.

* This text represents the opinion of the author and not necessarily the opinion of ACTIVO PC

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