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Witnesses say Hitler was buried in Paraguay in 1973

A Brazilian journalist collects testimony from two people who say that the Nazi leader was buried in a bunker in the capital of Paraguay two years after his death in February 1971, allegedly between Chile and Argentina.

Adolf Hitler did not die in Bunker Berlin on April 30, 1945, but somewhere between Argentina and Chile on February 5, 1971. He was later buried in the capital of Paraguay. It is the theory that Brazilian journalist Marcelo Netto said in an interview with the Russian television network Zvezda.

To support this revolutionary version of the end of the Nazi leader, the journalist relies on the testimony of two people who claim that Hitler was buried in the Assumption in the 1970s. The journalist gave the Russian chain an interview videofragmento that granted by Brazilian Sgt. Fernando Nogueira de Araújo, who states that on January 1, 1973, he attended Hitler's funeral in a bunker in Asuncion, where he was transferred from somewhere probably located on the border between Chile and Argentina two years after his death.

This witness and the journalist believe that Hitler's body remains, probably together with the bodies of other Nazis, still in this place, where a hotel has been erected since 2003. This land, like half a century ago, belongs to an organization that helped the German asylum and was chosen as a burial place for Hitler probably because there was a bunker there that served as a refuge for fleeing Nazis, Netto believes.

The funeral
According to Nogueira de Araújo, the funeral took place in "on abandoned land" where there was a "small tomb-like hill" and three-story underground structures. There the funeral ceremony took place, in which one of the participants said "with regret" that in February of that year two years of Hitler's death were fulfilled, while a noise was heard "as if someone were leveling the cement."

This witness was then 29 years old, and was invited to the ceremony by a friend of a Nazi's son who moved to Brazil after the war. But at that moment the man did not know that he was witnessing Hitler's burial, which took place "under his feet."

Second testimony
The version on the second burial of the remains of the Nazi leader in Paraguay is partially demonstrated by another testimony, says Netto. In the Argentine city of Bariloche, a woman who knew nothing about the first testimony told her that she knew a mistress of a Nazi pilot who exhumed and transferred the remains of Hitler to Asunción along with the famous German pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel.

Official version
Alternative versions of Hitler's death abound because his remains burned after his death. According to the official version, the German exlíder committed suicide in his bunker in the German capital surrounded by the Red Army. It would only be identified later through the teeth of his lower jaw.

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