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Cooked Gallego. Carnival Stew

The stew is a dish very typical of times of cold, a stew with meat, vegetables and vegetables, and is a complete meal for children. This recipe of Galician stew is prepared especially in Carnival, to combat the cold of the Spanish region of Galicia.

To make Galician stew, ingredients typical of the region are used, such as the lacón or the grelos, although you can vary the traditional recipe and get a Galician stew as nutritious and delicious for your children.


500 gr. Of chickpeas
500 gr. Pork ribs
500 gr. Beef
750 gr. Of lacón
1 ear of pig
1 piece of bacon
4 sausages
7 large potatoes
2 bunches of greens

Preparation of cooked Galician

1. On the day before preparing the stew put the pork meat in salted (pork ear, lacón etc.) in a pot, changing the water every several hours, and in another put the chickpeas to soak.

2. Put plenty of water in a large pot and heat. When it boils, incorporate the chickpeas, pork ribs, veal, lace, pork ear and bacon.

3. Let it cook all together for a couple of hours, removing the meat as tender (depending on the type, it will take more or less).

4. In another pot put water to heat. Wash the greens (you can substitute for cabbage) and potatoes, peel the latter. When it breaks to boil to boil the potatoes with the grelos or cabbage and the sausages. Leave about 20 minutes until tender.

5. When serving, separate on one side the chickpeas, pork, veal and vegetable.

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