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The United States asks to ask the passwords of the social networks to those who visit the country

The administration of Donald Trump has set out to do everything possible to make the United States the most welcoming and free country in the world. Therefore, to their intention to veto the entrance to all the people of seven countries of Muslim majority, is added the measure of asking the passwords of the social networks to those who visit their farmhouse. The rights and such.

Since a US judge blocked Trump's immigration veto, it can be seen that his cabinet is pulling his hair, so everyone has gone to work fast and fast to find other formulas with which to arm his Islamophobia. Thus, National Security Secretary John Kelly said Tuesday that the government is studying different measures to prevent the entry of refugees and all those visa applicants from the seven on the black list .

The American president loves to talk about him, even for bad, so among these measures could not miss some controversy. It shuffles the possibility that people who want to visit the United States should give the passwords of their social networks as part of the enhanced security controls, as reported by NBC."If they do not want to cooperate, they do not enter"

John Kelly has explained that the intention of the Government is to know what does and what says every person who wants to visit the country. There will be no choice since the Secretary of National Security has ensured that if a person refuses to give passwords, they will have the entry vetoed to the US: "If they do not want to cooperate, then they do not enter."

To explain the reason for this measure, Kelly refers to weak security controls in certain countries, especially in the seven vetoed by Trump (Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen): "It is very difficult to carry out Real controls in those countries, in those seven countries, but if they come we want to know the websites they visit and give us their passwords so we know what they do on the internet "

It should be noted that obtaining passwords from visitors was considered by senior officials of the Department of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, but the policy was never adopted, according to an internal departmental memorandum obtained by MSNBC in 2015.

In video: what you should not say when visiting the US
Video Player from: Telemundo (Privacy Policy)They also intend to check their bank accounts

We all know very well what Trump respects the right to privacy. If the Republican does not shake hands when it comes to touching the genitals of women, why not do it in the bank accounts of tourists? Another of the measures that are proposed is to review the financial records of anyone who wants to look out for what was once the country of opportunity.

"We want to track the money, so to speak, how are you living, who sends you money?" Kelly explained that it will address only certain people: "It would apply under certain circumstances to individuals who may be involved in the payroll Of terrorist organizations. " Bearing in mind that for the Trump Government all Muslims are terrorists, we have an idea of ​​who this measure is aimed at.

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