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Six Tips for Finding Love on the Internet

Recommendations to meet someone special on the Net and make the best of social networking contact

Nowadays it seems difficult not to go to the Internet to meet almost any need, be it job search, travel, accommodation or buy. Love also does not escape their networks, as the online Dating & Relationships study developed by the Pew Research Center, which reveals that 38% of single adults and couples seeking couples have used Online dating or mobile dating applications. This article is dedicated to all the virtual romantics who look for love on the Net: six tips to find a partner through the internet.

Six Tips for Finding Love on the Internet
Recommendations to meet someone special on the Net and make the best of social networking contact

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Image: Wyatt Fisher
Nowadays it seems difficult not to go to the Internet to meet almost any need, be it job search, travel, accommodation or buy. Love also does not escape their networks, as the online Dating & Relationships study developed by the Pew Research Center, which reveals that 38% of single adults and couples seeking couples have used Online dating or mobile dating applications. This article is dedicated to all the virtual romantics who look for love on the Net: six tips to find a partner through the internet.

1. Select the appropriate social network or website

Each dating web works in a different way and is aimed at a specific segment, so it is important to choose correctly where to start looking. Because of this, the ideal is to create a new profile, or two at most, as you will get better results by focusing all the attention on a specific web, instead of managing a lot of different profiles at the same time. But how do you choose the best dating website?

To do this you have to ask yourself what is what you are looking for in order to find a couple according to our expectations. That is, the needs of a 20-year-old woman who is studying at the university are not the same as those of a 40-year-old male, single and looking for something stable, or someone belonging to a sexual minority. For all this, choose the dating website well in which creating an account has much to do with the success or failure of our love experiences.

2. Edit profile
The editing of the profile is a key moment in these situations, since they are many times the possibilities of the users because they are not updated in the correct way. It is highly advisable to take time to think about what you really want to say about yourself and how you want to present yourself. It is advisable to fill in all the editable boxes of the profile and focus the focus on what most highlights (passions, interests and goals of life), but without going into generalities and always with a distinctive touch. Instead, if we are looking for someone who has similar tastes and interests, we should not be afraid to open up and share.

3. Choose the best photo
It is possible that images are the most influential factor in online dating, as is the case of Tinder and its different options, since they are the visual element that comes closest to reality. Variety is also important. The ideal thing is to upload snapshots from different angles, preferably in which we leave alone and in which the whole body can be seen. A photograph can be at the same time an element of attraction towards a person as a deceiving element, as sometimes the image does not coincide with reality.

4. Do not dismiss traditional networks like Facebook or Twitter
If we are not interested in creating a profile in a specific web of appointments, we can try luck in social networks. The line separating an individual's interest in cyberbullying in the area of ​​social networks is very fine, especially in the case of younger users. If it is added to a person that interests us, it is advisable to immediately send a message explaining the common connection or interest and thus increase the chances of starting a conversation. In the case of more impersonal social networks, such as Twitter and Instagram, it is advisable to follow the person that interests us and, as in other cases, try to send a private message explaining the reasons.

5. Be sincere at all times
One of the most relevant aspects of dating websites is honesty. Lying about our appearance, profession or marital status does not seem to be of any help to anyone. Even if you think the other person will never know the truth, we may be wrong. Internet makes it very easy to find any information about active users in social networks. Also, what is the point of basing a future potential relationship on falsehoods and lies?

6. And, of course, be yourself!
Being the best version of yourself has become a topic, but that is no longer true. Naturalness is synonymous with transparency and trust, factors that gradually are valued more in the digital world and have a relevant weight in the success of online love relationships. Trying to be someone other than yourself to impress another person will build that relationship on a lie, but the opposite will attract those who really feel a real interest in what makes you unique.

Without forgetting that there are also dangers ...
Although the Internet can be the perfect environment in which to find love for many people, it is necessary to be aware of the dangers and threats that it entails seeking a partner in this environment. The Network is the perfect setting where to create a false identity and take advantage of it. Scammers, identity suppressors, data thieves and simple jokers use the virtual environment to carry out their acts, being very sensitive in this sense the webs of appointments and contacts, in which many Internet users sin by relying on excess in strangers with End to find love.

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