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  • Calculadora de la ovulación de los días fértiles

    Ovulation Calculator for Fertile Days

    Only a few women are able to notice when they are ovulating, because they experience certain changes, discomfort or body aches in their fertile days. Know your fertile days to get pregnant.

  • Métodos para quedar embarazada

    Methods to get pregnant

    There are more and more reasons why women choose the 30s to get pregnant. Until recently, getting pregnant after age 35 was considered risky, although it does not have to be scary.

  • Cómo y cuándo planificar el embarazo

    How and when to plan for pregnancy

    Going to a preconception appointment is essential when planning for pregnancy. The assessment of the health status of the mother is essential before becoming pregnant and to plan a pregnancy.

eThe body of the woman

  • Los dolores de cabeza durante el embarazo

    Headaches during pregnancy

  • Tabla china para predecir el sexo del bebé

    Chinese table to predict the sex of the baby

  • Los cambios del cuerpo de la mujer embarazada mes a mes

    The body changes of the pregnant woman ...

  • El crecimiento de la barriga durante el embarazo

    The growth of the belly during pregnancy

eThe baby

  • 10 cosas que hace el bebé en el útero materno

    10 things the baby does in the mother's womb

    There are baby movements that will be noticeable to the mother, others not. In any case, studies and ultrasounds reveal that babies are capable of making many other gestures besides kicking.

  • Cómo será el bebé cuando nazca

    How will the baby be when he is born?

    One of the first questions we ask is how the baby will be when he is born. Will you have blue eyes? Brown hair? We explain how you can find out some of the characteristics your child will have at birth.

  • Desarrollo del bebé en el embarazo

    Development of the baby in pregnancy

    Your baby's life begins when a sperm fertilizes one of your eggs. After half an hour, the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus to implant in the wall of the uterus where it will continue its development.

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