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Ovulation Calculator and Fertile Days

To get pregnant you must know the fertile days

Only a few women are able to notice when they are ovulating, because they experience certain changes, discomfort or body aches in their fertile days.

But, ovulation does not always manifest with these sensations, and sometimes it is difficult to know with certainty when you are ovulating. With this ovulation calculator, which you will find below, you can easily determine which days of the month you will find the most fertile to achieve the desired pregnancy.

Calculate your fertile days to have a baby

Mujer con prueba de embarazo
If your menstrual cycles are regular, it is important that you write in a calendar the days in which your menstruation appears. Do it for three or four months and you can evaluate if it always occurs after the same period of time. If so, then it will be easier for you to find out with your ovulation calculator your fertile days, that is, what days of the month are most favorable for having sex and getting pregnant.

It usually takes 14 days from the day you ovulate, your fertile days, to the next menstrual period. Therefore, if you subtract 14 days from the total number of days in your cycle, you can calculate the approximate day you ovulate, starting to count from the first day of menstruation or rule. It is important to consider the luteal phase within the menstrual cycle.

If you want to become pregnant, try to discover the date of your ovulation for fertilization to occur. So you can have more control over the days when you are most fertile to conceive the baby you want.

Try it! It's very simple. Just enter some data and you will get the result.
Try it! It's very simple. Just enter some data and you will get the result.

Calculate ovulation and fertile days to get pregnant

Calcular la fecha de mi ovulación

Your fertile days

Home fertility


High Fertility

Date of ovulation and most fertile day

Menstrual cycle and fertile days to get pregnant

Ciclo menstrual, dias fértiles y ovulación

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