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Bots_Alive, the low cost artificial intelligence robot

In recent years, educational robots have become one of the most effective tools for children to relate to programming, technology and artificial intelligence. Today we present you Bots_Alive, a small robot with a spider shape that stands out for its realistic and natural behavior thanks to artificial intelligence.

Brad Knox, an engineer who has worked with the Personal Robots Group of the MIT Media Lab, is the researcher who has developed Bots_Alive. His idea was to create a low cost robotic platform that allows children to get started in the concepts of coding, design, engineering or mathematics.
To start up the little android, all you have to do is put on the top part of the kit that connects to the smartphone, which gives it artificial intelligence. Thanks to the markers of the kit parts and the augmented reality app, the robot is able to move autonomously, make decisions to move through space, overcome obstacles and interact with their environment.

Este robot encuentra su camino gracias a la inteligencia artificial© Redacción Este robot encuentra su camino gracias a la inteligencia artificial
Para poner en marcha al pequeño androide, lo único que hay que hacer es colocarle en la parte superior la pieza del kit que se conecta con el smartphone, lo que le dota de inteligencia artificial. Gracias a los marcadores de las piezas del kit y a la app de realidad aumentada, el robot está capacitado para moverse de manera autónoma, tomar decisiones para moverse por el espacio, sortear obstáculos e interactuar con su entorno. 
They are especially attractive because they are unpredictable: their artificial intelligence allows them to value multiple possibilities to get from one point to another, so you can not know what the path they will finally take. Thanks to the other parts of the kit it is possible to create labyrinths for the device, and it is also ready to interact with other robots.

To make Bots_Alive a reality, its developers have relied on crowdfunding as a funding system. They have already managed to exceed their economic target of $ 15,000, so the campaign will go ahead.

If you want to make this nice robot for your children to start in the world of robotics and artificial intelligence, you can buy the kit with everything necessary to make a self-contained creature on the page KickStartera a price from 60 dollars (55 , 50 euros at current exchange rate). The estimated delivery of the orders will occur from next September if the plans of the manufacturer follow their course.

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